If Trump Is Impeached Can He Still Legally Govern?

The expected impeachment proceedings on Wednesday against President Donald J. Trump will surface one of the Constitution's nigh arcane questions: Tin can a federal official exist removed from office if he's already left the building?

To date, that question has non been answered fully, but it was presented to the Founders in early 1799, almost 11 years after the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. The House of Representatives impeached Senator William Blount and sent impeachment articles to the Senate after Blount was already expelled from office. However, Blount's full trial was never held in the Senate. Also, the facts in the Blount case were very unlike than those likely presented in President Trump's 2d impeachment process.

Link: The 2d Trump Impeachment: What Happens Next?

William Blount was himself a Founder. He represented North Carolina at the 1787 convention but said niggling at the proceedings when he was in Philadelphia. Blount was i of 39 delegates who signed the Constitution, and he besides promoted its ratification in North Carolina.

By 1797, Blount acquired land westward of the Mississippi on credit and was in significant debt. After France defeated Spain in the War of the Pyrenees, in club to prevent Spain from ceding France its territories and potentially depressing western country prices further, Blount became involved in a plan for Native Americans and frontiersmen to assault parts of present-solar day Missouri and Louisiana, which would ultimately then be transferred to Great U.k..

Video:Jeffrey Rosen and Ali Velshi on Whether a Former President Can Be Impeached

Still, a letter of the alphabet incriminating Blount fell into the hands of Secretary of Land Timothy Pickering. President John Adams, on receiving the letter, sent it to Congress. Blount became the first federal regime official discipline to the impeachment process, one of the Constitution'south disquisitional checks-and-balances confronting the abuse of power.

The Constitution'south Article Two, Department 4 reads that "the President, Vice President and all Ceremonious Officers of the Us, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." The Constitution assigns the consideration of charges to the House of Representatives, with the Senate conducting a trial if the House approves impeachment manufactures against a civil officer.

On July 8, 1787, an outraged Senate voted to expel Blount from its membership, in accord with its powers under Article I, Section 5, the Expulsion Clause, which provides that "Each Firm may decide the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member." Simply the House had impeached Blount a day earlier and the Senate was obliged to effort Blount when the final impeachment articles were presented to it.

Past Dec 17, 1798, Blount had returned to Tennessee and had no plans to nourish Senate impeachment proceedings that day. Nonetheless, the Senate trial process went forrard.

The Senate faced two questions: First, was a senator considered a "ceremonious officeholder" nether the impeachment clause, and second, if he was, could a civil officer out of office face trial and conviction in the Senate?

Jared Ingersoll, a signer of the Constitution, was one of the attorneys representing Blount at the trial. Ingersoll argued a senator was not a "civil officer" subject to impeachment, unlike the President and other officials. Representative James A. Bayard of Delaware, the Business firm'south lead manager, replied that the considerations for the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the Constitution'due south patently language fabricated it clear that senators were civil officers subject area to impeachment.

Rep. Bayard and Alexander James Dallas, Blount'due south other chaser, debated that secondary question. Bayard believed a ceremonious officeholder could not escape impeachment through resignation. "The party, past resignation or the commission of some criminal offence which merited and occasioned his expulsion, might secure his impunity. This is confronting ane of the sagest maxims of the law, which does non allow a man to derive a benefit from his own wrong."

Dallas conceded that statement, only then said Blount had been expelled by the Senate, which was a unlike thing. "I certainly shall never contend that an officer may first commit an law-breaking and later avert penalty by resigning his office; but the accused has been expelled. Tin can he be removed at 1 trial and disqualified at another for the same crime?"

In the end, the Senate voted fourteen to 11 on January eleven, 1799, to dismiss a move that "William Blount was a civil officer of the United States within the meaning of the Constitution." It then passed some other resolution by a vote of 14–11: "The court is of opinion that the thing alleged in the plea of the defendant is sufficient in police to show that this courtroom ought non to concur jurisdiction of the said impeachment, and that the said impeachment is dismissed." Many scholars run into this as evidence a senator cannot be impeached, and expulsion past a 2-thirds vote is instead the proper remedy, but that was non conclusively stated by the Senate.

In President Trump's probable second impeachment, electric current Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has issued guidance that a trial, if needed, could even so take identify after the inauguration when Trump was no longer president.

It is an open up question as to whether a former president can face up a Senate impeachment trial. In a recent postal service on the legal blog Just Security, UNC Police force professor Michael J. Gerhardt points out one statement against the trial of a erstwhile president — that Donald J. Trump would become a private denizen afterward leaving office and the Constitution only applies to ceremonious officers. Gerhardt also acknowledges the counterpoint: "The problem with this statement, however, is that presidents and the other officials who are subject area to impeachment are not like the rest of us.  Once they leave office and return to their individual lives, they are still ex-presidents and erstwhile officials who may have committed impeachable offenses in office," Gerhardt writes, and "litigation or prosecutions might not be able to get at the misconduct, since the telescopic of impeachable offenses extends to misconduct that is not an actual crime."

In December 2019, the Washington Mail service interviewed six scholars about that very question. Three believed it was a possible but unsettled question that a onetime president could face a Senate trial; two others said the Senate lacked such powers; and one scholar believed the Senate could try a former president.

Scholar Frank O. Bowman also pointed out another precedent: the 1876 impeachment trial of William Belknap, who served as Secretarial assistant of War for President Ulysses S. Grant. Belknap faced allegations of receiving kickbacks, and he resigned moments earlier the House approved manufactures of impeachment. The House charged Belknap with "basely prostituting his high office to his animalism for private gain." At Belknap'southward trial, the Senate passed a motion in a 37 to 29 vote that "William Westward. Belknap, the respondent, is acquiescent to trial past impeachment for acts done as Secretary of War, notwithstanding his resignation of said role earlier he was impeached." The Senate later acquitted Belknap on all charges, lacking a two-thirds majority to captive.

A 3rd precedent is the example of federal judge West Hughes Humphries. Humphries left the federal bench in Tennessee to bring together the Confederacy equally a estimate without resigning his federal commission. In January 1862, House member John Bingham led the investigating commission, which charged Humphries with high crimes and misdemeanors. The Senate found Humphries guilty on seven charges in June 1862, and in a separate vote, a unanimous Senate disqualified Humphries from holding federal office once more.

Scott Bomboy is the editor in master of the National Constitution Center.


Source: https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/can-president-trump-be-impeached-after-he-leaves-office

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