MMD in Palm Springs / pool with a swan

I am so excited to finally be able to share the official epitomize photos from Encounter/Make/Do, that our astonishing photographer, Mary Costa, took for usa. If y'all've been following the hashtag (#meetmakebing), y'all've probably seen at to the lowest degree a handful of photos from the event, simply today I'thousand sharing ALL the juicy details. AND there is a giveawayinvolved also (ringlet all the way downwardly for giveaway details)!

If you lot're not familiar with Run across/Make/Practice already, it's a iii-day bloggers retreat, sponsored past Bing and hosted past myself, Kelly from Studio DIY and Chelsea from Lovely Indeed.

Kelly + Chelsea + Brittni

Kelly, Chelsea, and me

Meet/Make/Do and Bing in Pam Springs

We invited some amazing bloggers (Ashley of Sugar and Fabric, Lexy of Proper Pinwheel, Chelsey of Paper Mama, Melanie of You are My Fave, Erin of House of Hostage, Danni of Oh How-do-you-do Friend, Brittany of The Firm That Lars Built, and Jenn of Sentinel) to come hang out in Palm Springs for a few days, and so we could all collaborate on some projects and get to know each other even better (while hanging out by the pool, of course).

And then now that you know the backstory, allow's spring into what actually went down. You may want to take a moment to grab a snack or a cup of java, because this is a long one. You lot've been warned…

I arrived in LA Tuesday afternoon and our friend Ashley arrived at LAX the same time as me, then the four of us stayed busy running around getting stuff fix for our trip until late that night. Somehow though, we all managed to get up early the next morn and made it to Palm Springs a piddling after 9am. This was the outset time I had Ever been to Palm Springs and let me tell you, I was pretty excited nigh the whole thing.

We arrived at the house and it was perfect! Just like the photos we had seen, if non better, which was a huge weight off of my shoulders. I am such a worrier, information technology's kind of insane. So when we got there and I could get-go picturing information technology all coming together, I was pretty excited.

David Austin Garden Roses from Flower Muse

David Austin garden roses from Flower Muse

Colorful Outdoor Patio Area in Palm Springs

Meet/Make/Do Invite designed by Jordan Brantley

invitation design past Hashemite kingdom of jordan Brantely

Fabric from The Fabric Store

fabric from The Material Store

Supply Wall for MMD

Giant 7ft tall Beach Ball

Party Goodies from Shop Sweet Lulu

party supplies from Shop Sweet Lulu

Nosotros immediately jumped into setting things upwards and getting prepared for when guests would showtime arriving. I started working on unpacking and prepping the insane amount of fresh flowers that Bloom Muse sent the states for the result. Chelsea and Ashley unpacked a ton of boxes and Ash styled the supplies wall, filled with goodies from Store Sweetness Lulu, Due west Elm, and The Fabric Shop. Huge,HUGE thanks to Ash for helping us! You are the best! For real.

Chelsea got all the rooms gear up with nameplates on the doors, swag numberless set up, etc. And Kelly blew up a TON, of pool toys, including a behemothic swan and a seven ft tall beach ball!

Swag Bag Goodies from Meet/Make/Do

MMD Swag Bag Goodies

Swag Handbag Break! We were super lucky to have some crawly vendors donate their products to our MMD gift bags. And so I want to take a minute to thank all of the independent shop owners who participated…

awesome scarf blanket from Coveted Things, gorgeous  handmade pottery from Landis Carey, geometric notebook and gold record from Lovely Pigeon, soap from Etta & Billie, woods bowls from Wind and Willow Home, hand painted cloth napkins from Fat Eye Design, heart tote bags from Michelle Dwight Designs, wood cutlery prepare from Mr. and Mrs. P, rose salts from Oh And so Pretty, coasters and bread board from World Reclaimed, necklace from Seoul Lilliputian, and scissors from We Love Citrus.

*Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the stop of this post to win your own MMD souvenir bag filled with goodies.

Ceramics by Landis Carey

ceramics from Landis Carey

Coveted Things Blanket Scarf

blanket scarf from Coveted Things

Edoughable (eggless cookie dough)

cookie dough from Edoughable, utensils from Store Sweet Lulu, Cutting board from Air current and Willow Home

Special thanks besides goes out to Almond Milk LA for the almond milk, Edoughable for the cookie dough, Tweedle Dee Designs for the photo berth props, and G. Greenwood Jams for the delicious jams.

Workshop in Palm Springs

Workshop Dinner in Palm Springs

Menu Design by Striped Cat Studio

carte du jour design for Workshop dinner past Striped Cat Studio

Okay, back to the consequence… Afterwards everyone arrived and got cleaned upward, we headed out to dinner at an crawly restaurant called Workshop and went back to the business firm and crashed kind of early. Everyone was then tired from flying and/or driving in before that day.

The next morning, we all woke up pretty early and jumped into DIY projects and collaborations pretty much right afterwards breakfast. That morn and afternoon were amongst my favorite moments. It was and so exciting to run into everyone work their magic.

We took a suspension for some early afternoon mimosas (that'south perfectly acceptable, right?) and chatted with our bing rep, Katie, about the Bing Paradigm Search, Search Filters, and Pin from Search (where y'all tin can you can pivot to your Pinterest boards directly from the search page). Katie as well brought several Surfaces for us to play around with and brainstorm projects on. I had actually never used a Surface before and I was surprised by how quickly I got the hang of it. Have you ever used one? I really liked it.

Jenn working with Flowers from Flower Muse

Brittany and Brittni in Palm Springs

Brittany from The Firm That Lars Built and me, posing by the large B

Palm Springs Pool

Erin from House of Earnest using Surface

The Saguaro // a super colorful hotel in Palm Springs

After lunch past the pool, we dove back into our projects and Mary was basically snapping photographs non-end the entire day. It was awesome!

Before nosotros knew it, information technology was time for the Minted dinner at the Ace, which I'll exist sharing more details on in an upcoming mail. Man, those tacos were yummy.

Unfortunately, when nosotros arrived dorsum to the house after dinner, we discovered that we had been robbed. What? I know! Ugh. I don't want to dwell on this considering there were and then many bang-up moments on the trip, and in a strange manner, I think it brought the states all closer together. But manifestly, it was a difficult moment.Our friends that had their personal holding stolen handled things with such grace though. It kind of blew my mind. These ladies are seriously astonishing!

That night, we decided to leave the house and move to The Saguaro, which is quite possibly the about colorful hotel on the planet. Have you lot seen this place?

The next twenty-four hour period was filled with field trips and food. And that night, we all hung out in Erin'due south room sharing stories in our PJs. I mean, is there anything better? That was definitely i of the most memorable parts of the trip for me.

Here's a moving picture of all of us on our final day…

Meet/Make/Do Group Shot

Left to right. Melanie of You are My Fave, Danni of Oh Hello Friend, Chelsea of Lovely Indeed, me, Kelly of Studio DIY, Ashley of Sugar and Cloth, Erin of Firm of Hostage, Jenn of Scout, Chelsey of Paper Mama, Brittany of The House That Lars Built, Lexy of Proper Pinwheel

I cannot fifty-fifty begin to tell y'all what it meant to me to exist able to spend time with all of these women. Information technology was definitely something I'll never forget. And I cant await to do information technology over again!


Okay, then now that I've basically given you lot a play-by-play of the entire trip, let's talk about the swag bags again. We were lucky to accept some really great pieces in the MMD swag bags. And we didn't want you lot to experience left out, and so we're giving away a total of three MMD bags between the 3 host's blogs: Paper & Sew, Lovely Indeed, and Studio DIY.

Each swag pocketbook of goodies has a retail value of $185! So you lot are definitely going to desire to enter. Entries are simple. Merely follow the Rafflecopter prompts beneath. There are enough of ways to enter, which ways more chances to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to residents in the US and Canada, and will run through Thursday, March 20th at eleven:59pm EST. Winners volition exist announced within 48 hours after giveaway closes. Practiced luck!

All photographs by Mary Costa Photography.

Bing This mail was sponsored by Bing. All opinions and ideas are my own.

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