does it say in the bible what happened to those who were raised from the dead

other resurrections in the Bible

("Glorious Day" Video Below)

The give-and-take "resurrect" is divers as "to restore a expressionless person to life." While Jesus was non the but person brought back from decease to life past resurrection is the but person resurrected in a glorified body that will never dice over again.

There are a number of accounts of resurrections in both the Former Testament and the New Testament. But recall that the people who were resurrected, lived over again in fully human bodies that would die once again, non the glorified body that Jesus received.

The Bible tells of three resurrections from death in the Old Testament and v in the New Testament.  It too tells of an unnumbered group of people who were resurrected from the grave following Jesus' resurrection. There remains much mystery about that group of people.

Let'due south consider each of the individual resurrections in chronological society and then what the Bible tells about the group of people.

Erstwhile Attestation

The Widow of Zarephath'due south son ( one Ki 17:17–24 )

The first business relationship of a resurrection in the Bible is that of a widow's son. We exercise not know the name of either the mother or son.  The female parent is simply referred to as a widow from Zarephath who provided food and lodging to the prophet Elijah.

God had directed Elijah to go to Zarephath and had told him that a widow in that location would welcome him into her home.  While Elijah was staying in the widow's home, her son became very ill and died.  The widow thought her son'due south death was a judgment from God because of her sin and she blamed Elijah for his death (1 Kings 17:17–xviii).

Elijah took the dead boy from his mother'south arms, carried him to the upper room where he had been staying, laid the boy on the bed, and prayed, "O LORD my God, have You also brought tragedy on the widow with whom I society, past killing her son?" (i Kings 17:19-twenty)  Elijah and then "stretched himself out on the child three times, and cried out to the LORD and said, 'O LORD my God, I pray, let this kid'south soul come dorsum to him.'" (one Ki 17:21)  The Lord revived (resurrected) the child and Elijah took him to his mother who proclaimed she believed Elijah to be "a human of God, and 'the word of the Lord in [his] mouth is the truth'" (one Ki 17:22-24)

The Shunammite Adult female's Son (2 Ki 4:18–37)

Once more there was a son of an unnamed adult female (known only as a Shunammite) who was resurrected. It was the prophet Elisha, Elijah'due south successor, who raised the woman's son. Elisha would often stay in the upper room of the home of this woman and her married man.  Just i day when Elisha was in Mount Carmel, the couple's son died.

The woman laid his body on Elisha's bed and ready out to find Elisha (ii Kings 4:22-25). She found Elisha and pleaded that he come back to Shunem, just Elisha gave his servant, Gehazi, his staff and sent him to the woman'south house.  He told Gehazi to lay the staff on the boy's face (2 Kings four:31). When Elisha and the Shunammite adult female arrived at the house, Elisha went to the room, closed the door, and prayed to God.  He then stretched himself upon the boy's torso and the torso began to get warm (one Kings 4:34).  Elisha rose and walked around the room and then returned to stretch himself again upon the boy's body.  Afterward sneezing seven times, the boy arose from expiry (ane Kings iv:35) and Elisha took him to his female parent (1 Kings 4:36-37).

The Human being Thrown Into Elisha's Grave (2 Ki 13:20–21)

After Elisha died and was cached, bands of the Moabites invaded the land (2 Ki 13:xx). Every bit they were preparing to bury a man's body near Elisha'due south grave they saw an budgeted band of men. In haste, the men threw the body into Elisha'due south grave.  When the body touched the bones of Elisha, it was revived and the human stood up. (2 Ki 13:21)

New Attestation

The Widow of Nain'due south Son (Luke 7:11–17)

The start resurrection Jesus performed took place in the town of Nain.  Every bit He entered the boondocks, Jesus crossed paths with a funeral procession.  A swain, the just son of a widow, had died and the coffin that held his body was being carried outside the city.  Jesus touched the coffin and said, "Boyfriend, I say to y'all, arise" (Luke vii:14), and the dead homo arose and began to speak.  Jesus then presented him to his mother (Luke 7:15).

Jairus' Daughter (Luke viii:49–56)

A synagogue leader, Jairus, approached Jesus in a crowd and begged Him to heal his 12-yr-onetime daughter who was dying (verses 41-42).  Jesus was willing and together they ready out for Jairus's home.  Along the way, they were stopped by a messenger sent.  The messenger told them that Jairus' daughter had died, but Jesus responded with "Do not be afraid; but believe, and she volition be made well." (Luke 8:50).  When they arrived at the firm, Jesus permitted no one to enter except the girl'southward parents and Peter, James, and John.  Jesus said to all those who had gathered to mourn, "Practice not weep; she is not expressionless, but sleeping."  They laughed, knowing she was dead (verses 51-53).  Jesus made them exit, and then took the girl's hand, and said, "Little girl, arise." (Luke 8:54).  Her spirit returned, and she arose immediately. (Luke eight:55)

Lazarus of Bethany (John 11)

This is undoubtedly a very well-known account of resurrection, second but to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  Lazarus was Jesus' friend and a message had come up to Jesus telling that Lazarus was ill.  Jesus alleged, "This sickness is not unto death, only for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it" (John 11:4).  Although Jesus knew Lazarus was sick and needed healing, He delayed returning to Bethany (verse vi).

Two days later, Jesus set out for Bethany. Lazarus' sister Martha came to greet him along the manner and Jesus gave her a clear proclamation of His resurrection power and that Lazarus would alive over again (John xi:25-26). Jesus lingered where Martha had met him, and when Martha returned domicile and told her sister Mary that Jesus was coming, Mary left to meet him. "When Mary came where Jesus was, and saw Him, she fell down at His feet, saying to Him, "Lord, if You had been hither, my blood brother would not have died." (John 11:33)  Seeing her weeping and those with her,  Jesus was troubled in His spirit (John 11:34), and "Jesus wept." (John xi:35)

When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had been dead, in the tomb, for four days.  Jesus went to his tomb and said, "Take away the rock." (John eleven:39)  Jesus then thanked His Father for hearing His request (John 11:41) and "cried with a loud voice, 'Lazarus, come up along!'" (John 11:43). Lazarus rose from death and came out of the tomb.

Tabitha (Acts 9:36–43

Tabitha (Greek proper name, Dorcas) was a disciple of Jesus who lived in Joppa. She was known for her skilful works and kind deeds. When she died, believers in Joppa laid her body in an upper room and sent for Peter. When Peter arrived, he sent the mourners out of the room and knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to the dead body and said, "'Tabitha, ascend.' And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sabbatum upwards. So [Peter] gave her his mitt and lifted her up; and when he had called the saints and widows, he presented her alive." (Acts 9:forty-41)   Jesus had given the apostles power to raise the dead (Matt x:8) as a way to bear witness God's power and cosign their apostleship. When Peter raised Tabitha from death, information technology caused many in Joppa to believe (vs 42).

Eutychus (Acts twenty:7–12)

Eutychus was a swain who had gathered with others in the upper room of a firm in Troas to hear the campaigner Paul speak. While sitting in a three stories loftier window, he was overcome by sleep and fell to the basis and died (vs 9).  Paul went to him, fell on him, embraced him, and said to the others, "Do not trouble yourselves, for his life is in him" (Acts 20:10). Eutychus was raised from death to life by Paul who had  besides been given the power to heighten the dead by Jesus.

A Group of Resurrected Saints

Many Saints from the Grave (Matthew 27:50–53)

This is perhaps the nearly curious of all the resurrections in the Bible because it did non occur at the time of death.  Plus, it was not an individual who was raised, but, as the Bible tells, many saints (vs 52).  We know very little almost this grouping of resurrected saints, other than what the Book of Matthew records.

Matthew 27 tells that afterward Jesus gave upwardly His spirit (i.e. He died), "The veil of the temple was torn in two from elevation to bottom, and the globe quaked, and the rocks were split" (Mat 27:fifty-51). Then the "graves were opened," from which "many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" (Mat 27:52), "and coming out of the graves after [Jesus'] resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many." (Mat 27:53)  On the same day Jesus bodily rose from the expressionless, these saints were as well bodily resurrected and became witnesses in Jerusalem to the ability of the resurrection from decease from our Triune God.

The Bible does not tell if they were raised in fully man bodies that would die again, or in glorified bodies (likened unto Jesus) that would live forever. Still, it is biblically reasonable to believe that they were resurrected in fully man bodies to return to their families and alive again…but besides die again. They would have been an amazing testimony for Jesus and His resurrection ability.

The Resurrection Above All Resurrections

But as Jesus is the Proper noun above all names, His resurrection stands above all others.  In all the resurrections we only reviewed, each person lived again, but also died again. Jesus lives forevermore!  And when the actual resurrections of the living and the dead occur, all who belong to Jesus volition be raised to alive eternally forevermore. And all who accept died in their sins will be judged and condemned. (John 5:29)

Tell anybody nearly Jesus. Share the gospel of saving grace with all people.  Help build the Kingdom of God on globe and the future glorified Kingdom of actual resurrected saints who will live and reign with Jesus.


Merely Jesus could conquer death because only Jesus was sinless and not deserving of death. Simply Jesus rose from death, never to die once more. And only Jesus tin can give eternal life to those who come to Him in organized religion and trust in Him for forgiveness of their sins.

Glorious Day

Video by Reasons for Hope* Jesus.  Music by Casting Crowns. Lyrics by John Wilbur Chapman (1909)


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