Filled With Hippies Who Love Public Art and Sometimes Weed

Hippies are ofttimes depicted every bit lazy bums who oppose whatsoever grade of authority in pop culture. Marijuana leafage, bandanas, Hawaii shirts, peace symbol, various psychedelic substances and granny glasses have all become irreplaceable icons of the Hippie culture. Merely this "happy-get-lucky" depiction can often shroud and misdirect people from the fact that the Hippie movement sprung from a very tumultuous fourth dimension in American history. The desire to spread non-violence, tolerance, freedom, peace and above all, love, is what gave nativity to this Hippie civilization.

A board with the "Peace symbol" and a pop Hippie slogan

The beginning of Hippie civilization

The reasons behind the rising of Hippie culture are many. The word "Hippie" is believed to have come from the Afro-American slang words like "Hip" or "Hep" which meant sophisticated and up-to-date. It started every bit a counterculture motility in the 1960s, past higher students in the U.S.A. Slowly this move spread to Canada and Dandy U.k. likewise. The youth by this time had seen the horrors of the World wars start mitt. In Great U.k., Hippies stood for the disarmament of nuclear weaponry and in the U.s.a. they demonstrated anti-war programs during the ongoing Vietnam state of war. The assassination of and then US President J.F. Kennedy as well propelled the Hippie movement.
Although the movement arose as an opposition to U.Due south. involvement in the Vietnam State of war (1955–75), hippies often didn't directly appoint in politics. They believed in non-violence and demanded peace and freedom.
Initially, they were simply a group of gratis-thinking dropouts from college, who were against rigid societal norms and organized religion. Among these were young and talented writers, musicians and poets who romanticized sex, substance usage, opposed jobs, opposed organized religion and asked for loosened rules. The movement gained momentum when, women, who were upwardly until that betoken dedicated to household works, started joining these Hippie groups in nifty numbers.

What was the Hippie lifestyle?

Hippies despised jobs and structured living and separated themselves on every margin possible. They indulged in intake of psychedelic substances that cause hallucination and trances filled with bright distorted colors and surreal visuals. Their attire matched their lifestyle equally they grew out long hair, wore chaplet and wore bright-colored floral shirts.

Hippie fashion and lifestyle

Hippies learnt from different sources and devised their principles from around the world. Hippies took inspiration from The Whole Earth Catalog, an American Counterculture magazine, which first appeared in 1968. Information technology became a guiding light to them. The historical precedent of hippies goes as far back as the sadhus of India, the spiritual seekers who renounced the material world in search of knowledge. Even the counterculture espoused past classical Greek philosophers similar Diogenes of Sinope and other cynics were examples of early forms of Hippie culture.

Hippies preached about nonviolence and love using their popular phrase "Make honey, non state of war," for which they were sometimes called "blossom children." Hippies favored openness and advocated tolerance as alternatives to the restrictions and regimentation they saw in middle-class society, which lived for materialistic goals. Hippies were open up about their sexual relationships and asked the earth to prefer the same. They were instrumental in sculpturing modern American culture and to a certain extent, the globe civilization.

Cultural influence

Since the beginning of the Hippie movement, pop artists resonated strongly with the Hippie ideologies. Many writers, poets and musicians would take this Hippie civilisation to a wider audience. A remarkable and awe-inspiring event for Hippies was the Woodstock Music Festival, held in 1969. Tens of thousands of Hippies and music enthusiasts poured into Max Yasgur'due south dairy subcontract in New York where the festival was being held. Pillars of rock music such as the Grateful Dead, Santana, The Who, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Neil Immature and the guitar god Jimi Hendrix were all present at Woodstock, performing their hearts out. Even a respectable Indian classical musician like Pandit Ravi Shankar was performing. It is one of the biggest events in the history of music and its influence on the later musical genres is undeniable. Non but that but the speeches and songs performed in Woodstock transmitted the Hippie ideology to anyone who listened.

A Hippie couple

Veganism, spirituality, non-violence, organic meat and produce, renewed involvement in paganism, wizardry, occult sciences and Yoga, freedom of drug usage, liberty of sexual practice, economic and class equality etc..; are the Hippie ideas that seeped into mod society. Many Hippies, quite ahead of their time, supported the LGBTQ community.

Hippies oftentimes wore clothes with bright and colorful patterns. This form of clothing, which once dominated the style scene of the earth, persists despite its dwindling popularity.

A counterculture movement against war, say-so and discrimination, became a subculture and kept influencing the West and somewhen the unabridged world. Hippie legacy nonetheless shows in fine art, manner, lifestyle and entertainment.

Author's Bio:

I am Akanksha, a budding blogger and a culture enthusiast. I'yard in 12th pursuing science. Where my love for literature is undivided, my eagerness to proceed studying culture and history brought me here.


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